Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Daddy & Leighton

I took this picture a couple of months ago when Leighton and Mikey were playing on the floor.  Shortly after I took the picture, I found this frame when we went to Christmas Village in Nashville.  As soon as I read it, I KNEW I had to buy, I didn't even care if it cost $50.00 I would have bought it, plus I had the perfect picture for it.  Everything about it is true.  He was her first kiss, first love and first friend.  Mike can get this girl to light up as soon as she hears his voice, he makes her laugh ALL the time.  FYI: She wants her mommy when she is upset, tired, hungry, etc.  AND she actually says "mama".  It is pretty cute.  But these two people are the loves of my life and I can't imgaine life without them.